The plan was to spend Thanksgiving in Vegas with some of Amanda's family but when I accidentally let slip that the campground we would be staying at is nicknamed 'Afghanistan' people decided that maybe that was not how they wanted to spend their holiday. We stayed the course and met up with some friends for some climbing in an area called Red Rocks which is on the outskirts of Vegas.
Upon arriving in Vegas, Amanda got to check out Tuoro University (at the time a school with a potential PA program). And in the process of finding the school (or not finding the school) Amanda decided once and for all that she NEEDED an iPhone. From the school we headed straight to In-n-Out Burger, where we promptly gave ourselves tummy aches.
The climbing in Vegas was great as always. Hanging out with friends was great as usual! All in all a great way to spend a thanksgiving! Oh yeah, and Amanda got to eat loads of sea food with her hands.
So love to see you both in action! Love ya!