Monday, August 19, 2013

Chicago Basin, Wilson Peak, and Noname Basin

The last couple weeks have flown by!  Here are some of the highlights...
Shawn, Nick and I climbed Sunlight(14,059') and Windom(14,082') in Chicago Basin.
I met Ken, Daniel and Aaron in Telluride to climb Wilson Peak(14,017').  While waiting in the gas staion parking lot at 4:30am I got to see who was making a mess by knocking over all the trash cans, and going through the contents.  We were surprised to find a 1/2" of fresh snow on Wilson Peak.  It quickly melted as the sun came up and started heating up the rock.
Lastly Bob and I hiked up Noname Basin to climb Jagged Peak.  We ended up climbing the rarely attempted Peak 6(13,705') instead.
It was great climbing with all of you!  Its hard not to have fun in the San Juans this time of year.  Hell any time of year is great!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ice Lakes

Amanda has lived in Durango area for 10 years and had never been up to the ice lakes basin. Last week we decided to fix that. We hiked up and jumped in Ice Lake then checked out Island Lake as the afternoon thunderstorms were building.  Luckily we made it back to the car a few minutes before the rain started.